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Boil Your Bones. The Benefits Of Bone Broth

Boil Your Bones. The Benefits of Bone Broth

We’ve all heard it before, rich chicken broth – the famous Jewish penicillin – is an effective remedy for the flu. Meat and fish stocks have been used almost universally in traditional cuisines – French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, African, South American, Middle Eastern and Russian; but the use of homemade nourishing stocks and sauces has disappeared from the American culinary tradition.

Simple to make, soothing and nourishing, bone broth is one of the oldest, highly affordable homemade foods, often used as an elixir to cure ailments and nurture the sick.

Real bone broth is made by boiling bones and pieces of meat in purified water for 36 hours (for beef bones) or 24 hours (for chicken bones). The liquid will then be strained and cooled. Dont forget, that the broth you will make, will only be as healthy as the ingredients that you use! It is important to only use bones from organically farmed animals without any antibiotics.

Beef bone broth is particularly rich in material from cartilage and tendons like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine for joint pain relief. The resulting broth is a nutritious gelatinous food that aids in digestion of proteins.

To help heal a damaged gut lining, you need large amounts of easily digestible substances like amino acids, gelatin, glucosamine, fats, vitamins and minerals, all found in good-quality bone broth.

A good broth is rich in gelatin (a source of protein that helps counter the degeneration of joints) and collagen (which improves the condition of skin). Bone broths made with fish bones and heads provide iodine and can help strengthen the thyroid.

Benefits of Bone Broth:

•   Heals/repairs the GI tract

•   Repairs leaky gut, Colitis and Crohn’s disease

•   Helps protein and mineral absorption

•   Helps immune system

•   Liver detoxification

•   Prevents and reduces food allergies and intolerances

•   Great for kids who are dairy intolerant to get minerals

•   Rich source of well absorbed Calcium and bone building minerals

•   Helps build strong bones and teeth

•   Nourishes adrenal glands (post-partum moms need adrenal support)

•   Remarkable results in the treatment of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and bone disorders.

The public is generally unaware of the large amount of research on the beneficial effects of gelatin taken with food. Gelatin, although it is not a complete protein, it allows the body to more fully utilize the complete proteins that are taken in and acts as an aid to digestion.

The use of gelatin-rich broth on a daily or frequent basis provides continuous protection from many health problems.

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