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About Paul

I am extremely passionate about health and wellness as well as the environment and our planet. I developed an interest in herbs and their power to heal. As a result, I searched for a means where we can be proactive about our health as opposed to reactive. Where we can learn to allow our food choices as well as our lifestyle to create a strong foundation of health and vitality. How we can utilize fitness in the most intelligent way possible. How we can utilize the power of our mind and our spiritual health, and how our food choices directly impact our beautiful planet.

I had to unlearn much of the dogma which is ingrained in us here in the west. Our hurried and sedentary lifestyles are undeniably toxic to our health. Our pill popping society simply addresses symptoms and not the root cause, then create a plethora of new side effects. We must slow down and create a lifestyle where we nurture our mind, body and spirit. We must eat real food and we must commit to exercise. I hold certifications in holistic nutrition as well as personal training and have been helping transform people for almost ten years now. All you need is the will and I will assist you in developing the discipline. Fitness and nutrition are equally vital to a proper lifestyle regimen and you simply can not have one without the other. There’s a well known saying which goes, “You can not out exercise a bad diet.” On the other hand if you are working out intelligently and eating a clean diet, your body, mind and spirit will respond like a perfectly well oiled machine. I am incredibly well versed in the latest exercise/nutritional sciences and can get you the body and health that you desire. We will utilize/maximize your nutrition to support these goals as well as bring you to a state of optimum health.

I hold certifications in holistic nutrition as well as personal training and have been helping transform people for almost ten years now. All you need is the will and I will assist you in developing the discipline. Fitness and nutrition are equally vital to a proper lifestyle regimen and you simply can not have one without the other. There’s a well known saying which goes, “You can not out exercise a bad diet.” On the other hand if you are working out intelligently and eating a clean diet, your body, mind and spirit will respond like a perfectly well oiled machine. I am incredibly well versed in the latest exercise/nutritional sciences and can get you the body and health that you desire. We will utilize/maximize your nutrition to support these goals as well as bring you to a state of optimum health.

-Plant Based Nutrition Certification, Cornell University 2006
-Bachelor of Science in Holistic Natural Health and Nutrition, Clayton College of Natural Health 2004
-Crossfit level 1 Trainer Certification 2012
-Western Herbs certification, East-West School of Planetary Herbology 2008
-Master of Acupuncture (MAc), CO School of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2023


My expertise serves people who are ready to make positive changes in the way they treat themselves. Only those who understand that our bodies hold our livelihood, and require nurturing, exercise, breath work, sunlight and the proper fuel. Our bodies truly are our temples, and we are spiritual creatures leading a physical existence. There is only one shot to get it right. So, are you among those
who are ready to make lifelong changes without delay?

If you answered yes, I am prepared to instill in you a mindset of excellence, the discipline of a champion and the nutrition of a shaman. The greatest wealth is health! Join the journey to learn more about how the right food choices and proper fitness will
make you feel more amazing than you ever have before.

We must eat the proper foods that nourish, protect and energize our body temples. The great Hippocrates said, “Let our medicine be our food and let our food be our medicine.” I truly take that to heart.

If you join my program, you will receive personalized nutritional counseling, meal plans and recommendations for how you can achieve better balance with food. More than that, you’ll learn about the many healing and energizing properties of food. You will learn why it’s important to eat whole, living foods that were designed by nature to nurture and protect you and increase your body’s natural immunity. With discipline and a knowledge, you will radiate, health, energy and vitality.

In addition, we must exercise and train in order to reach and remain in optimal health. Though fitness is a vital part of life, most of the time while at work or even at home,  many people lead sedentery lifestyles and do not move around. In order to manifest greater health, you must introduce more synergistic forms of fitness routines. Your muscles and bones need exercise in order to remain strong and healthy.

With the proper balance between lifestyle, fitness and nutrition, you will have:

Increased energy
Mental clarity
A strong immune system
A glowing complexion
An amazing body
Increased sexual performance
Increased level of happiness
A more abundant career
Overall increase in confidence

Before your fear sets in, lets step back and take a deep breath. You don’t have to run eight miles and workout for three hours each day to maintain a healthy level of fitness. The key is balance, which is a skill I will instill in you, and you will have a personalized plan of action to help you achieve your goals.

A more Amazing You is waiting, but it won’t wait forever.
So, what are you waiting for? Today’s the day!

Today’s the day you begin your path on the journey to a better you. Your body will look and feel amazing.

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